Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Back to the rain

Well we have rain again. It doesn't rain just a little it rains a lot. Makes for little to do outside. Yesterday I did get some leaves mulched and picked up. I put them in for the pigs to rut around in and to compost. Last night we went to Jason's brother Josh and sister-in-law Emma's house for pizza and wings. Emma's mother Jenny and her partner Mark are visiting from England. It was a fun time.

Chores went fine this morning. Happy seems to not be feeling good again, so I put her in a pen by herself so she can rest. Happy was diagnosed with hardware in August and has a magnet in her to hold it in place (if that is what it is). Some days she seems fine and other days not. She can butt heads one day and then just lay or stand and moan. She did come in heat and I had her bred. This is where farming can be really tough. ?????

There are only a couple more milk pick-ups for cheese left for the season. The girls are getting ready to go dry for the year. The last few weeks of the milk will be used for the goat milk soap. Then it's rest time for the farm and get things ready for kidding season. February seems a long way a way and then boom!

Talk again soon,



  1. Hey John, i don't mean to sound dopey...but what is hardware? Did she swallow metal? I hope she' gets better.It breaks my heart when my girls get sick and I don't know what to do for them.
    I gotta tell ya..I'm so happy you started this blog on farming and your makes my day!

  2. Just a question that has been bothering me, how do you just stop milking ?

  3. Hey Sue,
    I didn't know what hardware was either so I checked out google and you're's when they swallow something metal (usually sharp). Google said it is VERY difficult to treat.
