Thursday, October 7, 2010

Is that the sun?

Well after 4 days of rain the sun has finally decide to show itself. The ground is saturated. Have had to keep an eye on the sump pump too.
Have had several more does bred in the last few days. Several of them have been repeats so that means not quite as many in February just more for March. Bucks during breeding season is still the most disgusting smelling time ever.

Still working on the scarf. I have about  four feet done. How many feet long is a scarf? 5? 6?

Time to go check on the goats and see if anyone else is in heat to move to their chosen buck. Then it's time to start the evening chores. My Dad won't be stopping in tonite, he and Mom are going to a church supper.


1 comment:

  1. Good Morning John,

    The sun has been a welcomed surprise after all the rain, but with the clearing skies has come cooler weather. A balmy 32 degrees here on the ridge this morning.
    Most adult scarves I make 60" plus the tassel if they have one, hope that answers your question.
    Have a great day, I'm off to tend the animals..
