Sunday, January 23, 2011


Production Records
2007-274days 2018#
 2008-215days 1732#  
2009-268days 2400#
2010-268days 2585#

This is Dora. She usually poses like this after she has eaten. Dora is a mixed breed doe. Her father is Tucker an Alpine, her dam Dory is Nubian/Saanen and grandmother Dolly is Saanen.
Dora is VERY pregnant. In 2010 she had quadruplets, 2 bucks 2 does. She looks like she has at least 4 in there again. Maybe 5!!!!!!?
Dora's due date is February 16th.

This is Dora's grandmother Dolly on the left. She is 9 years old this year. Dora's first daughter Doreen is on the right. She's a big girl too. Triplets last year.

Dora's twin sister Dixie is on the right and Dixie's first daughter Pixie to the left.

The middle goat is Darla from Dora's second year. She is a triplet.

This is Danee from Dora's third year. Danee is a triplet.

From left to right this is Darby and Della. The does from Dora's quadruplets.

This is Daisy, Danee's sister.

This is Doris, Darla's sister. Doris was not in the mood for a picture.

My D line has been very prolific over the years. Dolly started the D line and I have 36 does in the barn that started with her. I have had to use 2 other letters the P's and the E's to come up with enough names.
There are only about 2 weeks and the babies will start coming.
Dolly's daughter Donna is one of the first ones due.
I'll post pictures when I can.
Happy kidding!


  1. Love the goat photos - they are so sweet.

    Perhaps your readers could make name suggestions if your are short on names. Give us some letters and we can help!

  2. Where is DIVA!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

  3. Diva is here. She is Dixie's daughter.

  4. Thank you for the history of your baby girl. Maybe other D names are: Dutches, Dusty, Doodle,Danielle,Desiree,we know there is ONLY 1 DIVA.
    For boys: Duke, for Dixies son(Mason, I know it isn't a D but I had a Mason and Dixie pair from my Dinkie Doodle.

  5. Dora, is a good mama! I have the same Google kind of blog site..ha,ha.

  6. Hi Kathy,
    Already have a Danielle and a Desiree. Always use Duke for one of the boys every year.


  7. Hi Ellen,

    D is always the hard one. Now H will be tough.

  8. WHO HAD BABIES ,and were are the pics posted? Congrats! ! ! ! ! !

  9. It delights me so how much you love them John. So very sweet
    Lucky girls xox
