Sunday, January 23, 2011


Production Records
2007-274days 2018#
 2008-215days 1732#  
2009-268days 2400#
2010-268days 2585#

This is Dora. She usually poses like this after she has eaten. Dora is a mixed breed doe. Her father is Tucker an Alpine, her dam Dory is Nubian/Saanen and grandmother Dolly is Saanen.
Dora is VERY pregnant. In 2010 she had quadruplets, 2 bucks 2 does. She looks like she has at least 4 in there again. Maybe 5!!!!!!?
Dora's due date is February 16th.

This is Dora's grandmother Dolly on the left. She is 9 years old this year. Dora's first daughter Doreen is on the right. She's a big girl too. Triplets last year.

Dora's twin sister Dixie is on the right and Dixie's first daughter Pixie to the left.

The middle goat is Darla from Dora's second year. She is a triplet.

This is Danee from Dora's third year. Danee is a triplet.

From left to right this is Darby and Della. The does from Dora's quadruplets.

This is Daisy, Danee's sister.

This is Doris, Darla's sister. Doris was not in the mood for a picture.

My D line has been very prolific over the years. Dolly started the D line and I have 36 does in the barn that started with her. I have had to use 2 other letters the P's and the E's to come up with enough names.
There are only about 2 weeks and the babies will start coming.
Dolly's daughter Donna is one of the first ones due.
I'll post pictures when I can.
Happy kidding!

Saturday, January 1, 2011

2011 is here!

Hello faithful followers.  2011 has arrived and it arrived in a very pleasant way. The weather has been calm and very warm. We still have not gotten more than a couple inches of snow so far this season. So does this mean we are in for a long winter season?
It's about 6 weeks and the fun will begin. February 9th is when the first 2 girls, Talea and Donna are due. I imagine there may be some to go a little early. Those of you who have been watching the goat cam have noticed how big Dora is. Dora had quads in 2010, 2 does and 2 bucks. She certainly looks like she has at least that many again this year.  Maybe 5?

I'll begin ordering my supplies for the new season. Lot's of nipples for the buckets, stop at the vets for some BOSE to have on hand. Check the hair dryer, new heat lamps, paper towels etc.......
I need 2 new 2 goat bucket lids, milk hoses, claws and the run of cleaning supplies. Touch up the paint in the milkhouse and milking room.

I need to check in with the DHI technician to get ready to sign up for that. I may even join ADGA and register my top girls with them.

January is a busy month for birthdays for us. Mine is tomorrow the 2nd. Bill our sister-in-lam Emmas fathers, who will be visiting from England, is the 4th. Brother-in-law Bruce is the 6th. Jason's father, Richard is the 13th, Jason's mother Marcia is the 21st and my sister Jeans is the 25th. And you thought holidays were busy.

I hope everyone had a great 2010 and that 2011 will be even better.

I'll do my best to keep you posted on births.