Tuesday, November 23, 2010

The slow time of year

This is the time of year that I don't like. The goats are almost all dry, the weather is up and down and nothing grows but my waistline.

I think most of the girls are pregnant now. There are 35 due in February, 31 in March and 18 for April. Can you say kid overload. I still have about 31 doe kids from this year that I want to sell. Not having any luck yet. I don't think I have enough room in the barn to keep all of them through the winter so I will end up taking a group at a time to the local auction and hope they find a good home. There are a few that I may keep because their mothers milked much better than I expected them to. I may breed them next month for May kidding. By then I will know better who of the others need to go because of low production and how much milk is needed to sell.

Next year I will have to be more strict with myself about whose doe kids I will keep for adding to the herd. I am also going to implement raising the doe kids on a CAE preventive program.  CAE is caprine arthritis encephalitis. I also plan on going on DHIA, dairy herd improvement association, this will keep official milk records on the does. It will also tell me the butterfat, protein and somatic cell count of each goat. These are all helpful in deciding who stays, who goes and whose kids I keep.

There is always something new to add or change in dairy farming whether it be cows, goats or sheep. You need to constantly try to improve the quality of life for the animal so that it will improve the quality of life for the farmer. It's a never ending process.

Thanks for reading. Have a Happy Thanksgiving!


  1. CAE preventative is Great idea. You can eliminate going through all the ordeal by testing your does with a simple blood test. If they test neg., you don't need to do anything different. If they test pos. you need to separate the does and be at the birth to take the kids away. I tested for 9 years straight and don't have a single pos nor every did. All my kids stay with mom....and at 2weeks I start milking mom full time.

  2. What is the "law" for transporting a goat from you to No Fl? I would really love to have a pair of little does.
